Monday, August 10, 2009

Whose blog is this? So wordy and so little pics......

Hmm...... who cares?

This morning, I found a stash of potato chips from Mark & Spencers. I bought them for the outing so that I can share with everyone else, but nobody touched them at all. When I was at the M & S store, an auntie nearby said she highly recommended that bag of chips. I held one packet in my hand...... Well, the packet reads Crinkle Potato Chips, Lightly Salted and it is red in color. Went back home with one packet and gave it a try. I was impresssed.

The chips is crunchy. After you have finished the whole packet, it doesn't leave a salty taste in your mouth. The seasoning was just right. So here's my verdict......

Mark & Spencer's Crinkle Potato Chips: 8/10

Here's the pic......

Jamie wanted half of it, I am not sure if there is going to be any packet left. That is, if I can control myself not to finish the rest of the packets......

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